The One Trait That Makes Veterans Invaluable Employees

Why do some people succeed while others give up? What is it that allows certain individuals to endure the toughest challenges without wavering? Is it education, training, upbringing, connections, social status, or money? The answer may surprise you.

In one of the most significant business books that has been written in the past ten years, Angela Duckworth uncovers the secret to long-term success. She set out to learn why some cadets at West Point made it through Beast Barracks while others gave up. The Army wanted to know what the leading indicator of success was of this difficult challenge. She discovered that high achievement wasn’t predicted by SAT scores, GPA, athletics, race, gender, or social status. The most important trait was “grit.”

In Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, Angela Duckworth reveals that grit, which is defined as “passion and perseverance for long-term goals,” is the secret to success.  It is the one determining factor as to why some people endure the toughest trials and others drop out. It’s the same thing I wrote about in The One Trait Your CEO Wants You to Have. Only those with persistence, passion, and perseverance will be successful when things get tough.

“Military veterans make outstanding employees because they possess numerous traits like loyalty, dependability, adaptability, integrity, and discipline that are desperately needed in the workplace.”

This is what makes veterans so invaluable in the workforce. I’ve written about the importance of hiring veterans in an article called, The Best Way to Thank a Veteran this Veteran’s Day. In that article, I explained that military veterans make outstanding employees because they possess numerous traits like loyalty, dependability, adaptability, integrity, and discipline that are desperately needed in the workplace. Their extensive training, leadership experiences, mission-focus, and team-orientation allow them to add immediate impact to any organization.

They persevere through the toughest trials because they are passionate about their country, their family, their unit, and the men and women serving with them.

What’s even more important is that veterans have grit. The military provides unique, high-stress experiences where soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen must endure significant hardships and still perform at a high level. Whether repairing a vehicle under fire, landing a damaged aircraft, or bringing a submarine to periscope depth in rough seas, veterans are trained to excel in the toughest situations. They persevere through the toughest trials because they are passionate about their country, their family, their unit, and the men and women serving with them.

Military veterans bring unique attributes, skills, and experiences that will enhance any organization. They are loyal, dependable, hard-working employees who know how to lead, how to follow, and can get things done. But the most important trait they have is grit. When things get tough, they persevere.

4 thoughts on “The One Trait That Makes Veterans Invaluable Employees

  • John Wayne had it (as did Clint Eastwood in my opinion). My son has it. He was already perfect in my eyes, but a short time in the military did something more to his character. Perhaps it solidified his core. He was born with a partial cleft lip (2 surgeries) & had only slight confidence issues. Now, he’s still not happy with his smile, but he is confident in his being, hilarious, & very giving. He has oodles of friends, 2 cars, & rents a nice home. He is a dependable, hard worker – climbing towers hundreds of feet high in all kinds of weather:( I thoroughly enjoyed this post and believe it be correct. I believe the military, it’s emanating solidarity of love of country & discipline helped him in several ways.

    • That is so great to hear, Dawn. The military has a way of setting a strong foundation for young men and women. I assume your son is a lineman which I have a lot of respect for. Thank you for sharing. Jon

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